what is the sign for october 15

what is the sign for october 15

Libras born on October 15 are pleasure-seeking, luxury-loving individuals. These traits are generally assets, but they can cause them to become their own worst enemies. They are quick to apologize for real or imagined misdeeds, but, unfortunately, they go on living their lives in a way that makes the recurrence of such actions probable.

Friends and Lovers
October 15 people make loyal and loving friends. Romance is a roller coaster ride. Their fair-minded and forgiving qualities are virtues that sometimes work against their best interests. They are flirty, not fickle, and once they make a commitment they remain true.

Children and Family
October 15people may have experienced tumultuous events growing up and may spend part of their adult life reacting to the resulting insecurity. If there is little harmony in their lives, they will opt to live on the surface and avoid emotional commitment. But they'll go to any lengths to make their children feel happy and safe.

With a big appetite for life, October 15 people may have a hard time maintaining a strict nutritional regimen. Motivated more by cosmetic than health concerns, they may endorse fad diets rather than sensible eating. They enjoy sports, but this may not be enough to keep them fit.

Career and Finances
Involvement in a variety of projects is one way October 15 people tend to scatter their energies. They may not have much confidence in their abilities, so the validation of friends and colleagues is a plus. Money can be a problem until they learn to control it.

Dreams and Goals
The ultimate goal of October 15 people is to learn how to manage the highs and lows of life. These goodhearted but often misguided folks can get in a bind by trying to be honest, only to discover that everybody else is playing by different rules. They become more goal-oriented as they learn to trust themselves.


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