Los Angeles Divorce Attorneys
Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. The choice to seek marital dissolution can be a difficult decision, especially when child are involved. The Los Angeles divorce lawyers at Boyd Law hope to make it easier for you and your children. We represent clients in both contested and uncontested divorce. At Boyd Law our Los Angeles family law lawyers listen to you and answer all of your questions. We will then evaluate your situation and advise you of all your options under the law. Our goal is to help make the decisions that protect your legal rights, and that are in the best interests of your family and your children. We know there is more going on in your life than just your divorce. Ending a marriage is never something we take lightly. We strive to get to know you as a person, as an individual, so we can custom tailor an experience you can look back on without regret. Change is inevitable, but the stress and anxiety you feel about those changes does not have to be. Our skilled legal team works hard everyday to help people going through the difficult legal issues of divorce cope with stress, uncertainty, fear, and the financial issues that come with the territory.
We have the experience and broad knowledge base to meet clients’ diverse needs.
We keep up with all the latest rules, laws and best practices in Los Angeles divorce law.
We use a collaborative effort among our attorneys to take on complex legal issues.
We form long-term relationships with our clients, leading to more satisfactory results.
We leverage in-house resources to keep divorce cases more efficient for clients.
Most often, you must file for divorce in the county in which you reside; however, you must abide by California residency rules. Rules indicate that you must have lived in California for the last six months and the county in which you file for the last three months. If you and your spouse have separated and now live in different counties, you can file divorce papers in either of the two counties. If you don’t meet the residency rules for a divorce, you can still file for a legal separation. California is a community property state, which means that the goal of a divorce settlement is to divide marital property in half. Under California’s community property laws, assets and debts spouses acquire during marriage belong equally to both of them, and they must divide them equally in divorce. There are three crucial steps to property division:
Determine whether the property (or debt) is marital or separate
Agree on a value for marital property, and
Decide how to divide the property.
Many times, couples will disagree on how things such as child custody or property should be divided. A divorce case is not always a straightforward resolution. The results of the divorce process can affect you for years to come. Of course, you may be able to seek divorce modifications down the road, but it does not apply to everything within family law cases and it is not always easy. An experienced Los Angeles divorce lawyer at Boyd Law can give you expert legal advice, personal attention, and help you find a resolution to a number of family law related areas such as:
Contested divorce
Uncontested divorce
High net worth divorce
Legal separation
Child custody
Property division
Debt division
Spousal support
Child support
Child visitation
Post decree matters
No matter the nature of your particular divorce or situation, speak to an attorney in Orange County for answers. A lawyer can help you with all the aspects of your divorce, whether they are simple or complex. Your attorney can navigate California’s many divorce laws and statutes while you concentrate on moving forward.
The two pie charts provided below break down some interesting divorce data and statistics. These pie charts provide a visualization of different age groups of both men and women and the corresponding divorce rate percentage for each specific age group. It is not surprising that these pie charts illustrate that divorced men and women were middle-older aged, with the highest divorce rate percentages being among those men and women 35 to 44 years old (29 percent of men and 30 percent of women).
*This first pie chart provides a visualization of divorced men in the U.S. categorized by age groups, highlighting the age groups of men in the U.S. with the highest and lowest divorce rates.
*This second pie chart illustrates the women’s age groups in the U.S. that have the highest and lowest probability of getting divorced at least once.
The data in these charts is provided and released by the United States Census Bureau
Divorce and marriage dissolution are two ways to end your marriage. While they are often used interchangeably, they technically have different meanings from a legal standpoint. The primary difference lies in whether the spouses are implementing fault laws in the split. A divorce technically means one spouse is alleging the fault of the other for the split, while marriage dissolution is a mutual decision to end the marriage. Another way to think of marriage dissolution is a no-fault divorce.
In California, no-fault divorce laws mean technically every couple in the state achieves marriage dissolution rather than divorce. A spouse does not to file for divorce on fault-based grounds in California. Its no-fault laws mean the courts will not punish one spouse for wrongdoing, even if that spouse committed adultery or ended the marriage some other way. Instead, all couples may seek no-fault divorces or marriage dissolutions.
Marriage dissolution is generally a simpler way to end a marriage. The party filing for divorce does not have to prove the other spouse’s fault to achieve marriage dissolution. The filing person simply must cite irreconcilable differences while filling out the divorce forms, or that the couple no longer gets along. The no-fault divorce process is shorter and does not force one spouse to prove fault. A no-fault divorce could still have complications, however, such as one spouse contesting the terms of the split.
If you do not think divorce is right for you, consider a legal separation instead. Legal separation in California comes with some of the same benefits as divorce without you forfeiting all the benefits of marriage. It can be an ideal in-between for couples that may reconcile their marriages or that need to retain benefits such as family insurance plans. After a legal separation, you and your spouse will still lawfully be married to each other, but you will not live together and may qualify for things such as child support and spousal maintenance.
Separation could be the perfect solution for you and your spouse. It could also make the divorce process easier in the future. You must make legal separation official, however, by filing the correct paperwork in Los Angeles County. You and your spouse must both consent to the legal separation. One spouse (it does not matter which) will file a petition for legal separation, which the other spouse will sign. If your spouse refuses to cooperate, you must either remain in the marriage or proceed with a divorce