dream about tigers
Tiger In Dream
A tiger in a dream carries a spiritual message. As human beings we are unique and this dream raises important questions, if you have had a tiger dream it can indicate that you need to look within.
Why are tigers who are threatened routinely not traumatized? The dream of a tiger is about how you can spiritually grow yourself to become immune to traumatic events in daily life. Think about your life for a moment. Imagine a life free of fears, crazy demands, and above all else free from dissatisfaction. The tiger has appeared to help you move forward into a journey that is free from the stress and pressures of the world. The tiger appears in dreams when you know secretly you have negative energy within but you hold the internal wisdom to heal yourself. If you have been going through a storm or trauma recently then the tiger appearing can be an assurance that you can fight to the end and truly get what you want.
Tigers in dreamscan often represent your enemies
Think of the person you most detest, mix in the worst characteristics of anyone else you know and you have a fair idea of your own dream tiger. This frequently appears in dreams whereby an image of a tiger indicates that you are feeling disliked in waking life, and you will now have the spiritual force to move forward.
The interpretation of the dream would tend to vary as per the context of the dream and the feelings that you have associated with the appearance of the tiger. The dream of the tiger indicates our communications of the unconscious mind, and we can gain guidance and advice from our dreams. Dreaming is not a matter that we are normally receptive to so I am glad to share with you the key meanings of dreaming of a tiger.
Seeing a tiger in dreams could mean:
Letting go of the trauma and the energy within your human body
Taming of harnessing situations in waking life
Letting go of toxic people in waking life - we all need to do this
Understanding that you need time alone at times
Being open to people’s opinion
Be connected to an enemy
Indicate that you need to fight for your passions in life
Scroll down my article to find your dream meaning
Dream symbolism of a tiger
Biblical meaning of a tiger dream
What you will learn and advice about the dream of a tiger
Is the dream of a tiger good or bad?
What the tiger dream means for males
What the tiger dream means for females
What does the old dream dictionaries say about a tiger dream
Being attacked by a tiger in a dream
What does a bengal tiger in a dream mean
Killing a tiger dream meaning
Cubs and tigresses in dreams
Tiger hunting in dreams
Running away from a tiger in a dream
A tiger attacking someone in a dream
Dreaming of a pet tiger
Tiger in your house in a dream
A caged tiger in a dream
Tigers eating or killing you
Escaping a tiger in a dream
Tiger attacking another animal
A white tiger in a dream meaning
Killing a tiger in a dream meaning
Tigers protecting its cubs in a dream
Running away from a tiger in dreams
Dreams of a tiger sleeping, injured or nightmares
Dreaming of a tiger dead
Dreaming of a tiger skin
Spiritual meaning of seeing a tiger in the dream
Dreaming of tigers while pregnant
Dreams of a roaring tiger
Dreams of a tiger in a cave
Dream of baby cub tigers
Dreams of wild animals (lions, elephants) as well as the tiger
What is the ancient (1930s) dream meaning of a tiger?
Older dream books are a great source to understand the older meaning of seeing this symbol in your dream. A tiger appears in a dream it is about your efforts to control your own instincts. There are times when the spiritual message might be destructive and threatening but in most cases, tigers in the dream do denote releasing bad events that happen and approach life with wisdom, strong emotions, strength, and resilience to fight difficulties that you come across in life. The older books see the tiger as a negative person entering your life.
What is the spiritual message of a dream of a tiger?
There is a deep biological knowledge of how to understand your own instincts and actions. These is called dramatic symptoms. Fight and flight are often normal responses to a traumatic experience. If you are trying to run or fight someone in waking life it can mean that you must make sure you do not “freeze” yourself and tangle the web of myths about trauma.
What is the spiritual message of a dream of a tiger?
There is a deep biological knowledge of how to understand your own instincts and actions. These is called dramatic symptoms. Fight and flight are often normal responses to a traumatic experience. If you are trying to run or fight someone in waking life it can mean that you must make sure you do not “freeze” yourself and tangle the web of myths about trauma.
Often, when we go into trauma we move into turbulence within our body, much like a tornado. The four-legged tiger seems to have an internal survival mechanism and energy which makes sure they do not lose life force. Trauma is normally stored in our body and this is connected to how we all learn to deal with and heal traumatic events. There are primitive biological responses when we face a difficult time
When the tiger avoids predators it will run away and shake off the effects of this trauma, there is no evidence the tiger will have any lasting effect. As human beings, we often have a “frozen event” where negative energy is often stuck inside our bodies. We can release this energy, just like the tiger does. This dream, in my spiritual opinion, is about releasing this energy. Learning from the trauma and moving on.
\If you have had a traumatic event then this equals shock to the system. It can play in our minds like a movie reel and often with it comes dreams such as being worried or attacked by tigers. When trauma is trapped inside we try to make some sense of this. You can release this trauma by hugging yourself and tapping on both arms at least 20 times. The dream is about letting you know that you need to release this negative energy. If you feel the tension inside your body then make sure that you address this. Negative energy naturally surrounds our bodies. Our emotions are unbalanced when we have encountered a problem and this can lead to not handling stress as well as we need. Our inner resources needed to unlock the traumatic energy.