321 meaning love
When we start noticing Angel Number 321, it is a sure sign to start paying attention to our relationships. But we should not start our examination with others. We should start by looking at ourselves.
Are we giving the people in our lives the time and support they need? Or are we always too busy, or are we letting envy over their success inhibit us from being truly happy for them? We often talk about toxic relationships, it is time to make sure that we are not the toxic partner.
The number 321 suggests that it might not be our relationships with others that have become toxic, but rather our relationship with ourselves. It will often show up when we have lost our self-esteem or confidence for some reason. It encourages us to stop waiting for this time to pass, and start taking active steps to heal ourselves.
When you see the number 321 several times within a short period, you will know in your heart whether it is a sign or just a coincidence. Our intuition picks up on the influence of our Angels, and will let us know to pay attention, because something special is happening.
Meaning of Angel Number 321
Numbers is one of the most common ways that Angels will choose to communicate with us. It is very difficult for Angels to communicate with us directly, as most of us do not have the ability to sense them. But they can nudge us to notice things in the physical world around us as signs.
Angels will often use numbers as their signs. This is not only because they are everywhere, and therefore always available in the right moment. Every number has its own individual meaning, which means that the right number can be used to send us specific messages that we can understand.
Interpreting how the message of a number applies to our lives depends on the challenge that we are facing in the moment. For example, the Angel Number 321 could be telling us…
1. Invest in becoming a better friend
Angel Number 321, sharing some meaning with the number 727, can show up when we are feeling isolated, and like we are not getting the support that we need from our important relationships. It can point out that the problem actually sits with us. Relationships need nurturing to thrive.
It is time to start prioritising spending time with the people we care about most. We are never too busy for the most important things. Also, make sure that we are being there for them when they need us, and not just expecting them to respond when we want them.
2. Resist the urge to play games
The 321 Angel Number can show up when we are tempted to test the people around us. Often, we don’t tell people exactly what we want. Instead we drop them the vaguest of hints and expect them to figure it out. But when we do this, we are just setting them up to fail, and ourselves up for disappointment.
The best way to get what we need out of relationships is to be open and honest. Tell people what we need and how we feel. And remember, it is always best to talk about how we feel, and not what they have done. Is what they have done really even that bad, or are we feeling hurt for our own reasons?
Cancer tends to be suspicious in love and to want their partner to prove their affection, and so can be prone to this kind of behavior. If you are born under this sign, look out for the number 321.
3. Take active steps to build your self-esteem
Angel Number 321, akin to the 353 Angel Number, will often show up when our self-esteem has taken a blow. It will tell us that this is not a time to just wait and see if we feel better. We should take active steps to build our confidence up again.
One of the best ways to do this is to take on a project. Especially a project that we can break into small steps, and therefore small wins. Every small win gives us a little bit of confidence, that will build over time. It will quickly spill over from this project into the other parts of our life.
4. Remember that your success does not depend on others
Sometimes when the people closest to us have success, we can struggle to feel happy for them. This is because we seem to think that there is only so much success to go around, and their achievement makes ours less likely.
Angel Number 321, not dissimilar to 1551, can show up to remind us that this is not the case. A star in the night sky does not shine less brightly because its neighbour also shines. Your success depends only on you. Be happy for others. If anything, use them as a source of inspiration and learning.
A Deeper Look at Angel Number 321
Do you seek guidance on how to reach your ideal life? What if we told you that you could see potholes before you reach them? If you are frequently seeing 321, take this very popular and free personalized Numerology Video reading to help steer you in the right direction. (Especially BEFORE making any major life decisions, planning any big moves, or saying any I do’s!)