red snake in a dream
Red Snake Dream
A red snake with yellow color patches
Did you recently have a dream about Red snake? Well, Seeing a red snake in the dream is one of the most petrifying experience as they look authentic and dangerous. But what does your dream means?
Your dream can have a negative or positive meaning, depending on how you felt in your dream. Generally, a red snake in a dream symbolizes a Hidden Danger, threatening situation, or upcoming Happiness in your waking life.
I know this definition is not enough to fully interpret your dream, so let’s explore all the possible meanings.
1. Sign of Happiness
A red snake is a sign of upcoming happiness in your life. If you are going through a bad phase or threatening situation in your waking life, this snake symbolises that you will get happiness soon.
If you are trapped in some situation or think nothing is possible, this dream is a sign that your bad situation will soon turn into a good one.
2. Hidden Danger
The red color is a sign of warning and danger, and seeing a snake of this color can symbolize a Hidden danger in your waking life. It is either a sign that something bad will happen, or you are doing something that will land you in a threatening situation.
Try to observe your dream very carefully and see whether there is some hint regarding what you might be doing wrong. For instance, if your dream showed a red snake attacking you while your friend is laughing, it can symbolize that your friend will land you in trouble.
3. Passion
Red is the color of passion, and seeing a red snake symbolises your passion in your waking life. It can be your Passion for work or can also mean a passionate new beginning in life.
So if you are passionate to do something but are not doing it due to external pressure or other reasons, then this dream is a sign that you need to follow your passion what so ever.
4. Love
A red color snake can depict love and romance in your waking life. Seeing such a dream can signify that there is an infinite source of love present in your body.
If the serpent was trying to crawl on your body and feel that the snake is crawling on your naked body or the snake was trying to come on your bed, or it was biting on your neck and face, then that symbolises your sexual desires.
Red Snake Dream Meaning
Red Snake Dream Meaning Infographics
Red Snake Dream Interpretation in
In Islam seeing snakes in dreams is a sign of upcoming danger in one’s life. It is a warning signal that something worst will happen, and you have to be prepared for the unseen.
If you kill the snake, it means you will conquer the enemy, and if the snake killed you, then it means that your enemy will overpower you.
a red snake with black lines
Red Snake in Dream
A red snake is a sign that you are doing something carelessly, i.e., you are doing something important without giving it the required attention.
It is a warning sign that if you didn’t give it your due attention, you might not be able to accomplish your task, or it can be a signal that you are doing something in a wrong way and must probably stop it.
In Christianity, this dream is a sign that you are a diplomat in every situation of your life, which you must stop. It depicts that you must be a little more aggressive and fight for your dreams and goals.
Chinese Tradition (ZhouGong)
A Red snake dream in Chinese tradition is considered to be a sign of upcoming happy events. For a single person, this dream can mean that he/she will soon be married, and for a married person, this dream can mean that their children would enjoy happiness.
For a patient, this dream is a sign that their health will be restored very soon.
Dream about white and Red Snake
A white and red snake
Seeing this multi-color snake is a sign of the hidden enemy in your waking life. The white part represents positive feelings like truthfulness, and the red part means a hidden danger.
A Red and white color snake means that somebody in your waking life is depicting your friend, but in reality, it is a hidden enemy. It can be your friend, business partner, or another person close to you and know you well.
This person will deceive you, so you have to find the person and get him/her out of your life. To find who that person is, you have to take a serious look at how the snake was acting and try to match the habits of this wild reptile with your friend circle.